You could make simple toys and gifts for your kids at home, and you’ll have fun doing that. But when it comes to making kid slime as a DIY project, that’s a whole different story! It takes knowhow, time, and patience to get organized. And then, with the risks associated with some of the ingredients suggested at online sites – would you really want to go the DIY route? When there are safer alternatives to sourcing slime for your kids, why not use them?
Safety is the Watchword
Occasionally, it may be fun to get your hands dirty, and cook a batch of slime in your home kitchen. But, like most “secret projects”, kids typically get wind of what their parents are “cooking up”, and they want to eagerly join in the fun too. But, before you start pouring and mixing with the kids, stop and think of the risks:
- Many online recipes require handling borax and/or sodium borate. If not handled with care, these products can cause skin and eye irritations in adults and, more so, in kids.
- Your recipes may call for scents and colors. Be careful of which ones you choose. Read the labels carefully to ensure your child isn’t allergic to any ingredients.
- Using glitter and beads in DIY slime-making poses an especially high risk of a child swallowing or eating the tempting substances.
With so many risks associated with making slime at home, why not source your slime from a safer alternative supplier – go online!
Pro Tips for Sourcing Slime Right
When buying slime online, it’s important to consider which slime companies are the best. It’s not only about doing a Google search and picking the first name on the search engine results page (SERP). It’s about evaluating other characteristics of the company carefully, before choosing the supplier. So, what should parents look for when searching online for the best slime maker? Well, here are some general tips to consider:
- If you are looking for specific products, such as high-quality scented kid slime, then home-in on a website that offers that product. Pro tip: If the company appears at the top of your SERP, that reflects well on the supplier’s reputation…but don’t stop there!
- Next, check out the variety of products they offer. Stay away from suppliers who offer just one or two products. Pro tip: Variety is what your kids want, and that’s what any good supplier must offer.
- It’s important for a good slime producer to also offer great deals and promos periodically. Check out the website for such marketing campaigns. Such marketing strategies underline the credibility of the supplier. Pro tip: You’ll also save lots of money by enrolling in such schemes.
- Finally, before placing an order for slime online, it’s important to check out the site for product user reviews. Pro tip: Be suspicious of sites that have just a handful of reviews – 10 or 15…with ALL of them rated 5-star!
Because kids get so much joy from playing (and learning too!) with slime, it’s important for parents, teachers, and caregivers to invest some time in searching for the right product supplier. It’s time worth investing, because it’ll ensure you are dealing with a reputed supplier who manufactures products that’ll keep your kids safe…and save you loads of money too!